“This amp is as beautiful looking and sounding as anything I have ever seen or heard. Your workmanship is excellent. Thanks, I will definitely be doing business with you again.”
– Sherwood S-5000 II Gold-Level Restoration
Hiroshi U. - Tokyo, Japan
“Absolutely in love with this amp! AEA went above and beyond and truly delivered with their restoration. This little gem is now the focal point of my main setup, replacing my PrimaLuna Dialogue II. If you have a vintage amplifier, don’t hesitate to send it over to Ken and the guys at AEA. Money well invested!”– Audio Research ST-70-C3 Gold-Level Restoration
L.Z.L - San Francisco, CA
“Wow, I’m impressed. It looks brand new. And the sound is just perfect, with no noise or hum at all! Easily beats any amp I have ever heard, and looks like it will last forever.”
– Fisher 500-C Gold-level Restoration
Peter L. - East Amherst, NY
“The amp is absolutely fantastic. I can tell you take pride in your work.”
– Fisher KX-200 Gold-Level Restoration
Stephen M. - Houston, TX
“It’s beautiful. It’s so shiny I need sunglasses to look at it! I’ve had this amp for several years, and it never sounded anywhere near this good! The work you guys do is amazing!”
– Fisher KX-200 Gold-Level Restoration
Javier V. - Compton, CA
“The Fisher we bought from AEA sounded amazing as soon as we hooked it up to the speakers. Pristine restoration and lovely sounding amp. AEA did a wonderful job and was helpful and responsive throughout the purchase.”
– Fisher KX-100 Gold-Level Restoration
Patricia F. - Sunnyvale, CA
“The soundstage, detail, and presence is really something special. Little bits that I barely noticed in the past are making themselves known in a real nice, subtle way. Very engaging overall…. Thank you both for making the buying experience easy and comfortable, and for doing such exceptionally nice technical work. It seems that it’s getting harder and harder to find people who know what they’re doing and really care about it.”
– Fisher X-100B Restored & Modified
Jeff M. - Walden, NY
“It has a smooth, open sound. Bass is very good. Phono is amazing.”
– Fisher X-100B Gold Restoration
Bill D. - Mooresville, NC

“It sounds and looks just great–a major, major upgrade to our living room. I listened to this amp a little bit in its unrestored state before I sent it to you and the improvement after you all were done with it is strikingly clear. So thank you again for all the hard work on this nice piece of old audio.”
– H.H. Scott 299B Restoration
Sam C. - Washington, DC

“Thanks so much! I’ve been listening to the Scott for the past couple of hours and it sounds fantastic! I really appreciate your care and craftsmanship with gear. For some people this may be just stuff, but for me it’s a treasure I really enjoy. You guys are officially family in my book. “
– H. H. Scott 399 Restoration
Roy G. - San Francisco, CA
“Thanks for the excellent work! I am very impressed with the quality of your restoration. I never knew the amp could sound this good. “
– Fisher X-101-B Gold-Level Restoration
Frank A. - Downingtown, PA
“In love (with) this amp, it sounds amazing! Thank you, so much for turning me on to tube gear. I just picked up a new turntable to match up with (this) Scott amp, wow! They sound great together.”
– H.H. Scott 200-B Gold-Level Restoration
David C. - Paradise, CA
“Stereo separation is excellent, and imaging is real, side to side and front to back. There is excellent detail, revealing individual plucks on strings etc.”
– H.H. Scott 299-C Custom Restoration
Joe H. - Freehold, NJ
“I have been really enjoying my Sansui AU-111 that your restored for me at the beginning of the year, it is wonderfully musical.”
– Sansui AU-111 Custom Restoration
Dave C. - Bay Area, CA
“The unit looks and sounds incredible ….. great work … you should be very proud!”
– Sherwood S-5000II Custom Restoration
Dale S. - Itasca, IL
“Got my fisher 500b today and so far all sounds and looks wonderful! Thanks for all the work.”
– Fisher 500-B Custom Restoration
Dave C. - Pittsburgh, PA
“My Scott arrived today safe and looking good. I just set it up and it sounds fantastic. Thanks again for all your help with this, I’m very glad to have it back on duty.”
– Scott 299 Custom Restoration
Sam C. - Washington, DC
“ The amps sound great, really pleased with your guys work once again”
– Pedersen W-15 Monoblocks Custom Restoration
Dave W. - Moraga, CA
“ Purchased this amp from you and am getting a great deal of enjoyment out of it.”– Fisher X-100-B Gold Restoration
Bill D. - Bay Area, CA
“So, just spending more time with the Fisher…really very nice, the fisher takes CD’s to a different place. Considering my space and old ears, I’m not sure I can get much better musically, at any price.”
– Fisher X-202-B Custom Restoration
Barry B. - Mandeville, LA
“I just have to comment on your repair of my amp. I did check it out with some of my favorite music. Sweeeeeet!! Sharp–clear-tight! Channel separation and sound stage is beautiful! There’s music coming out of the speakers I never heard before in these old songs. My opinion, you do what you do very well!!”
– Sansui AU-111 Custom Restoration
David B. - Wadena, MN